Embrace your Klaus Jansen you must
All of the DT 22 team must be introduced- after all we’re getting to know them as we get to know the teams of the past, and what befell them all. So you need the new team introduced as well, as ostensibly this book is about them.
Or is it?
Cyberninja reveals himself to be an agent of Neuromantique, a villain from the DT 7 days, and here we see him come in conflict with some of Steampunk Rock’s steam spiders, vultures and troopers. Clearly Steampunk Rock wasn’t serious, as he didn’t send Sergeant Major Steam and the Battling Bot Brigade!
When you set out to draw a page that’s mostly in the shadows, you think to yourself; ‘Well, it can’t be too difficult. I mean, it’s almost all black, right?’
There’s a LOT of thought that goes into simple darkness and shadow filled pages, that gets overlooked by folks that just have a passing glance at how comics gets made.
I learned a LOT of respect for the folks that have come before me and mastered the use of mostly black pages and definitely learned the respect for time management and martial arts that I haven’t shown in the past.
Enjoy this page, it is a preview of things to come!
And apologies for the late page, this one is on me!
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