Home is just another word for you
There’s an old Billy Joel song, not well known if you never listened to the Songs In The Attic album, called “You’re My Home”. It’s a song about how whenever you’re together with your love, that’s your home. That resonated strongly with me, and I definitely drew upon it for this page. Lexii makes her home where she is, and she went through so much to get here, because beside Ronni is where she wants to be. Now she’s here, and the pact of a night of passion fulfilled, she wants to stay, to be with the special woman who saved the day.
The tender titan, the hesitant heroine to whom she lost her heart.
We had other storytelling duties to tend to instead of the Pixie’s story. But this was important to us, and to the readers, we felt. Rather than have the two of them grow close, only to tear them apart forever, it was a necessity to show that love can overcome great obstacles, with magic anything is possible, and that our commitment-phobic heroine has learned to commit, and to care. And of course, we wrap with Dirk Swann’s narration, because we end as we began, with the bard relaying the tale. Just seemed appropriate.
I’ll offer a link to the Billy Joel song below, and for those of you who want to see more of this scene, perhaps from a more revealing angle, the new tier on Patron is available for the ‘mature reader’ versions of things. There’s a link to the Patreon at the top of the page. We’ll be doing more of this moving forward, as the fans have spoken. The website story will still be PG-13, but the Rated R versions will now be available.
That’s a wrap for Pixie Girl Adventures for now. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for our announcement next week…
This page… both versions… was like a theme park of fun for me. I got to do something that this comic does SO well in changing the tone on a dime. We go from emotional and sincere to BOOYAH in one panel and it was so much fun. But Lexii is notoriously flighty in how quickly her emotions play out. Plus, it was fun to make a hotel room look enormous with those backgrounds.
A lot of what I could say here, I said in regards to the last page, but I am really happy that you all seem to be enjoying this story and their reunion.
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