Let Him Go
Ronni’s angry about a few things, now that you mention it, Ali. And a crappy apology isn’t gonna cut it.
This page marks the last page of the prequel for GGA issue 17, Giants of the Urth. From here, Dee is going to take a break, as she is prepping for some conventions, while we work on the edits to insure the final book will be flawless when we start moving forward.
WHAT THAT MEANS FOR YOU is that GGA is going on a hiatus. We will be working on GGA stories, as well as other projects we’ve committed to- and yes, we will definitely keep you posted, as well as informed of where and when the dead tree format of GGA will be available. Now that the run is done, we need to turn our eye to publication. The fans who have stuck with us through it all will definitely be kept abreast.
We will continue to serve up your Patreon goodies every month- your pinups will flow, as Dee has committed to insuring those still arrive every month. Meanwhile, as I have pages in the can, we will be starting a new arc, telling the story of the DANGER TEAM. Giant Girl Adventures has never shied from taking the camera off our titular character, so this will be one of those times.
As an investigative reporter is hired to research the Danger Teams of the past, he begins uncovering a mystery that’s decades in the making. I’ve been working with artist Ed Smith on this story for a while now, and you will get to see his art evolve page by page as he endures my training regimen to become a Comic Book Man, in the tradition of those who came before us. Stick with it- I think you’ll really enjoy the story we’ve got cooked up for you, which explains a lot of the past and indicates the future of the Giant Girlieverse.
Lastly, I want to thank our fans. We literally retold the first 35 pages of this story AFTER we’d reached the end, and you stuck by us as we expanded that 35 pages to 52, embellishing the story and making it self-contained. You supported us, commented, and kept the lights on for us. So thank you, Patrons. You are the real heroes, and we are humbled by your support.
Pixie Girl Adventures continues later this year, as Ronni and Lexii’s adventures in the magical land of Hollywood continues!
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