Major Catastrophe to Ground Control
Orbiter blowed up, no engines, falling out of control to earth below.
It’s hero time.
Major Catastrophe is out there, keeping the orbiter upright and on course. He’s doing his part to save his friends, even though we get the feeling he’s prepared for the worst. Inside the cabin we can see the Contortion leaving his spacesuit- a bold move on the stretchy guy’s part, but clearly he has a plan in mind as well.
Meanwhile, the prettiest girl he’s ever met is counting on the Cold Knight to get them home safely.
Turns out re-entry is fascinating if you look into the science of it all. Doing it in just the cockpit of a shuttle orbiter makes it extra exciting, as we see chunks of the ship ripping off and hurtling away, even as death Moth’s glove gives us a good idea of just what happened to the living dead girl.
This one is a dramatic tension page, and Ed really came through on it. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am!
I’m not sure about the learning itinerary in your grade school when you were growing up, but mine had a slight home economics slant to it.(Please bear with me, I’m going somewhere with this.)
We were taught at an early age, how to make simple recipes, like oatmeal cookies, or even scrambled eggs. The intent was to start small, show us how to follow simple instructions and build up to more difficult and delicious meals.
Drawing Danger Team is exactly like this for me.
Sure, you might look at this page and think to yourself; “Wow, Ed’s doing a pretty good job on this story. It looks good and he’s really getting across Sabrina’s script in a pretty decent visual manner.” All the while forgetting how Page 1 looked. It’s ok. I needed to start there, to arrive here.
Each new and interesting page, even when we were in the diner, is a class I undertake in pushing myself outside of my comfort zone artistically, for the sake of growth.
Even if it costs us a few superhero teams.
Enjoy! Leave your comments. Good, bad, or indifferent. I love to read them.
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