Interlude: Major Catastrophe
Once again, as Hawkins is digging up the stories of Danger Teams past, we continue to introduce the Danger Team of the present, to give you some idea of who they are. After all, we’re delving into the past to set the stage for the future.
In this case we examine the USAF pilot assigned to the program in the modern day- the 13th in a line of American servicemen who have piloted the armor suit and borne the name, who really wants to survive this experience.
You know how, as a kid, you were afraid of the dark, for no reason? The adult person raising you imparted to you that there was really nothing to be afraid of, and the fear of the dark was all in your head?
Artistically, that lesson never really took with me.
The script for this page calls for exactly what you see. LT is sitting there, going over schematics on a tablet, and the Major Catastrophe armor is in the shadowy background, looming. Now, knowing what I know about the character, I wanted this page to be moody, serious. I was hoping that I could channel some Bernie Wrightson and get some somber tones across visually.
Luckily, our intrepid Author/Editor/Friend and Mentor was there to metaphorically hold my hand and urge me to keep making it darker and darker, so that the emotion and intent showed. I hope that all of you, as the readers, like this page and come back to it later and realize the depth and importance of it.
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