Danger Team, ASSEMBLE!

First comes the core three, who come together over a crisis.

Then the rest of the team joins, and before long, you have a full team of 7.

Is that number important? It seems to be so, when it comes to superhero teams, and particularly the Danger Teams. Look at what happened with Danger Team 1999 with their six members.

This one is a chapter that is near and dear to me, and I am particularly fond of their story. I hope you will be, too.


I’m just going to come out and say it; I’m REALLY enjoying drawing superhero comics. 

I’m finding that there is a rich history to the genre, artistically. That there are VERY subtle techniques that get used, in service to the story and when done properly? They make gold. 

They tend to go either overlooked or undervalued, but man if they don’t sell the page and move the story along at a proper clip. 

That being said? Huh? Didn’t I tell you guys? Linwood is NO slouch. This ‘Danger Team’ is peak ‘80’s and I am positive that they would have been a bunch of Bob Burden First Stringers (too deep a cut?)!

Enjoy what happens here on out, dear readers, because we are ALL in for a really good ride!



Issue 19 – Page 033