The long, dark corridors. The gigantic ammo feed system for one of the cannons, still intact. The quark harvesting energy generators. An intact wasp hangar, where Ronni casually swipes one, shrinking it down for later. inside a giant slot machine. The F’tuvian cloning chambers, with one tube missing. A view from outside the station. As seen on the monitors. Another long better lit corridor. The Cosmonaut’s Russian museum on the moon.
Lots going on this page too. Please enjoy your odyssey through “Jeebus this crashed command ship is effing huge and for a wrecked ship the atmospherics held up remarkably well.”
Oh yeah. We are definitely going to see the hornet again. Possibly with bomber art on the nose.
A webcomic about Veronica 'Ronni' Kane, the titular size-shifting superheroine Giant Girl and her extradimensional adventures. A flawed young woman struggling to define her place in the universe with the power she possesses, and what it means to be a hero.
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