She brought up the hat!
I suppose it could be argued that the witch is warning Ronni about why she’s not bringing her costume with her. It serves to illustrate that the witch understands how Ronni’s powers work. To her credit, we get a demonstration of the phenomenon she’s warning of when Ronni returns to Witching Hill, later in the story. When all the treasure she ninja looted goes spraying across the witch’s parlor, instead of the mountains of stuff Ronni has stored, anchored in her coat.
Morgan offers it to Ronni as a choice when, in fact, she never really had one, as we’ll see 2 pages from now.
That first panel, Morgan scores with ‘blood of my blood’, which will play a role and be repeated later in the story. As well, she tells Ali he’ll play the noble sorcerer to the uncouth rogue, and again, that will play out in Scott Castle when he introduces himself to Earl Duncan.
The crack about the hat- well, if you never saw the earlier incarnations of Giant Girl’s costume, she did love her big Darkwing Duck hat. But as it was forever going to be associated with Carmen Sandiego, she had to part with it, which was painful for her.
So offering to loan Ronni a hat was just Morgan being extra petty. Once again, winding her up in impotent rage for the long day she’s having, so she’ll go get her some stress relief tonight, in the arms of Ali Kazaam.
At least, that’s Morgan’s plan…
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