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It is a seldom observed trope of superheroes that if you retire, you never know when one of your old enemies might surface to try to take revenge on you for a foiled robbery 30-odd years ago. But at the same time, who expects you to run around in tights until you are in your 60s? Justice Society notwithstanding, clearly…
You ever just walk up to a person that’s been through a bunch and you can just tell, by the look in their eyes, that you probably should have rethought walking up to them? That’s what I wanted to do here.
Sure, Hawkins is inside the adult version of PeeWee’s Playhouse, but is he going to get the secret word of the day, or is Cowboy Curtis going to test his dental plan?
More background reference, testing my abilities to work with darkness and light, and of course, scale and perspective. I’m liking where the script is taking the story (yes, I’ve read it. Quit asking!) and I’m enjoying the things that Hawkins is getting to see, because it gives me the perfect opportunity to expand my artistic horizons!
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