Guys In Black
Okay, Ed is still working to manage a weekly schedule, and this time he didn’t make it. Please accept our apologies for the tardy page.
Ohhh, those wacky Agents. Claiming the solar system as their jurisdiction, breaking the laws of the land, violating civil rights and being all-around poor conversationalists. They’re here for a reason, and not just to establish they exist- after all, they first appeared back in GGA issue 1, and they’re always… around.
This page, we get to see a little bit more of the inside of Hawkins’ palatial apartment. It’s not really as big and as nice as the last page would have you believe. He’s just particular and likes things how he likes them. Neat. Clean.
You would have thought that after all of that diner scene, I would be able to handle a group conversation between a reporter and some shadowy Agents that somehow just materialized in an apartment. I’m learning that there’s a lot more to drawing interactions and pages, than just relying on the words in the script, and the techniques that you read about and practice. Sincerely, a LOT of this is influenced by cinematography and good movie principals.
That being said, I tend to get lazy at times and lean towards taking the easy ways out in order to set up and draw a panel. This is neither proper nor does it make for a dynamic looking page overall. I need a nap, because I can’t let you fine readers down by producing substandard artwork!
Each page better than the last.
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