Party like it’s 1999
I imagine to the youth of today (which makes me sound old) it is hard to imagine the fear and dread associated with the y2K bug, the theory that the world might just end because all the computers would shut down, which would lead to civilization collapsing.
Sure, you laugh now. Try going 24 hours without your phone, your computer or any sort of connection to the internet, THEN come laugh at the concept.
Yeah… I remember Y2K. I think it involved Chris Jericho(which is a deep cut and a shoutout to my Professional Wrestling fans)?
It was nerve wracking and tense at times. People honestly thought that computers would simply stop working and that the world was going to shut down. Some folks made fun of the fear and the nervousness, others prepared for it with the intensity of prepping for the Rapture, and as per human nature, others exploited it and took advantage of those that felt helpless and wanted a solution.
Which makes this Danger Team segment VERY dynamic. As the comic book artist who lived through this era? It was interesting to have to gather period accurate references from a time before 9-11 and make sure that it all worked for the page.
All of that detail liked to make the brain slow down, like a computer running out of RAM. Powering through, I did my best to channel things that I’d seen in comics and capture the emotional tension of a team that’s on another mission to save the world.
These next few pages are a doozy, so buckle up, readers!!
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